TIMBCO, LLC is a timber procurement company that operates throughout Central North Carolina, Southside Virginia, and the Sandhills of North Carolina. The forestry practices used by TIMBCO (and its professional harvesting contractors) allow for maximum financial return from selling your timber while ensuring your land is protected for future generations.
Harvesting timber can bring a substantial financial return and helps promote a healthier forest. The money gained from selling your trees and timber can be used as additional income, to help pay taxes, go toward investments, or supplement retirement. The timberland that is harvested can be replanted to insure future timber for our next generation; something we highly recommend!
TIMBCO offers a wide range of forestry and timber management services to help you manage your timberland and maximize your rate of return. If we purchase your timber, we will also offer tax help, reforestation/replanting, and other forestry related assistance.
A few of the North Carolina and Virginia timber harvesting services we specialize in:
Clear Cutting
First and Second Thinning of Pine Plantations
Shelter-wood Harvest
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement
Development Harvest
Please take a few minutes to explore our website to learn more about TIMBCO and what services we might have to offer you. If you have any questions about harvesting your timber or would like to discuss the sale of your timber, please call or fill out our contact form. Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to talking with you soon!